I was riding in a family car road trip – the type where laughter is plentiful, songs are poorly off key, and everyone knows what’s coming when Dad cracks the window open a bit.
It was getting late, and things were quieting down…I resorted to my cell phone for some entertainment. Reading a few blogs, catching up on twitter, reviewing google web analytics – the usual nerd stuff. One problem – I was at 6% battery.
I’ve raved on here before about Android, but the battery life is certainly not a strong suit.
I knew I had about 25 minutes left, and mentally made a checklist of “important” things I wanted to do before the inevitable power down came. I divided up about 4 things in to the allotted time slot.
1. Bookmark a study note in my Kindle study Bible
2. Catch up on my Twitter feed
3. Scan a few Facebook pages I manage, and respond to comments
4. Respond to the many Merry Christmas mass texts
I did number 1 fine. took 3 minutes. Then I got to number 2…my weakness. Twitter is my Achilles Heel. I got off on a tangent, checking activity, viewing profiles that didn’t matter, clicking on random pictures of Christmas lights, favoring a tweet here and there.
Then BAM. Power Down…off. No more battery. Gone. Dang. Frustration set in – I really meant to finish those last 2 items, but my rabbit trails got me distracted and I didn’t finish something that was important to me because of an attention grabbing monster.
There’s 6% battery life left…what are you doing right now that’s taking away from what’s important?