I’m somewhat of an Apple Geek – not one of those people that will buy something just because it has an Apple Logo on it…but close enough. I own a Macbook Pro, an iMac for my wife, we each have iPhones, use a Macbook Pro at work, and I used to own an iPad that I loved.

Here’s a few thoughts on the Apple Watch and why I won’t be buying one. Don’t get me wrong …I AM a smartwatch fan. Having a Pebble made me in to a smartwatch nerd. Pebble launched on Kickstarter in 2012, and raised over $10 million…the most successful campaign of its time. I have owned one since November 2013 ( they were so backed up, they didn’t finish fulfilling all the orders till April 2013). I love it. I can’t imagine not using a smartwatch after owning it now for almost 2 years.

This year, they launched the Pebble Time: the second major iteration of their smartwatch. (watch their slick promo video here)

I still love and use my original, but when it kicks the bucket, I’m buying a Pebble Time Steel. So why the Pebble over the Apple Watch? Especially coming from a self proclaimed Apple fan?

Time Tested

See what I did there? Pebble has a 3 year head start in the smartwatch market. I’ll be honest, they had their fair share of issues when they first launch. Several defects, problematic units, issues with screen tearing…but now, they’ve really rounded themselves out as  a proven technology company. Apple is just getting started in this game – although they do usually dominate whatever market they step in to. It will be interesting to see how the launch plays out since Pebble’s on their second version, and for Apple, this is version one.


Pebble is all about simplicity, whereas the Apple watch mantra seems to be focused on all the things you can do with your watch. I want my watch to be a supplement to my phone – not an annoyance on my wrist. We’re already too connected as it is…a watch that can “connect” us to the digital world even more is a bit overwhelming.

Battery Life

Pebble is rated for 7 days at a time…7 days. I usually get 5 out of mine…but still! Initial reviews of the Apple watch say 18-24 hours. Every day? Every day I have to charge this thing? No thanks – I’ve got enough stuff to worry about plugging in every day.

The American Dream

I gotta be honest, the fact that a couple guys tinkered in their garage with an old blackberry and went on to raise over $10mil in 60 days is remarkable, and it feeds that side of me that loves the underdog story. See their history for yourself: getpebble.com/our_story

It Works For Me

Pebble does what I want!  I’m all about Apple, but at the end of the day, I’m gonna use the technology brand that does what I want. I’m more loyal to personal preference than any one brand. If the Pebble didn’t sync with my iPhone, then there’d be issues. But it does, so I have complete synergy among devices.

Here’s the thing: get what you want and get what works for you. You may not even need a smartwatch – it may be more annoying to you than beneficial! Take note I also didn’t bring up price. I don’t mind paying a premium for a product that’s worth it…and I’m sure the Apple watch is worth every penny.

Happy Timekeeping!

P.S. I don’t get paid by pebble for this content or anything – simple wanted to weigh in my personal preference in the smartwatch conversation and they’ve produced a product I’m a fan of.

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