Social media is a strange wasteland of filtered, curated, and manicured content. I signed up for Twitter in 2011. Instagram in 2012. Facebook somewhere before that. I’ve used various platforms for various reasons. I’ve even been building an email list for the past 8 years. In all the time of social media, I have felt two strong pulls when posting, creating, or sharing content – that I now see as false realities: 1. Filter Everything…
I worked for Hilton Hotels & Resorts for 5 years during college and the early days of my marriage. My previous job was waiting tables at IHOP, then jumped to working in the restaurant in the Hilton Dallas/Southlake Town Square location. As they were building, they were aggressively hiring to open the hotel in fall of 2007 – that’s the only way I can explain how they hired a punk like me from serving pancakes…
The reason the Christian life is challenging for many of us is because we have still elected SELF to be in charge. Our American version of Christianity reinforces the idea that it’s every man for himself, that you are in charge of your own peace, that it’s a dog eat dog world, and you gotta look out for number one. Jesus preaches the exact opposite: that in order to find your life, you have to…
It’s no secret that I have been a big marvel fan. Let’s face it, I’m a nerd at heart and have just never fully grown up. If you follow the Marvel scene at all, you may have noticed that there is somewhat of a negative connotation in Hollywood when it comes to Marvel movies. The more artistic and poetic actors and directors have made negative comments about the type of movies that MArvel creates are…
Make the choice on Saturdays to attend church in the morning. Even if you haven’t been to one in a while, it’s worth just checking one out. My family is on the hunt for a new church due to relocating, and here’s a few reasons why we won’t succumb to the temptation to stay home on Sundays: it encourages and refreshes my soul. we calibrate our priorities when we make a local church a nonnegotiable…
My dad used to say that life is about passing a series of tests, and God will let you keep retaking them until you pass. years ago, I was going through a really frustrating season at my job. There was some stuff going on that was really eating at me. There wasn’t really much I could do to change the situation other than quit, and I didn’t feel led to do that at that time….