The Weird Trend

I’ve noticed a trend in marketing specifically with Christian authors, and it’s starting to bother me. I’m not trying to judge and this is not a slam – who knows, maybe one day I’ll succumb to similar tactics due to necessity of the market. I hope not. Obviously online marketing works, it’s an industry I work in, and I’m for it. I’m currently marketing to you and you don’t even know it! I mean, have…

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The Journey Of Selflessness

I’m learning that life is a journey of becoming less and less selfish. When you’re single, you’re totally obsessed with yourself. It’s all about you. Then you meet someone, and you have to be a little less selfish, but it’s still really about you – you just have someone else that shares your interests so for the most part you can still be fairly selfish, just with a partner. Then you have a kid. And…

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The Good Daniel

My friend Daniel and I were sitting in a meeting in a local business, when the owner of the company and several employees starting throwing around a nickname for Daniel that we had never heard – apparently they had been calling him this internally for weeks, and we wondered why.

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A Handshake with Darkness

Yesterday in church one of our worship leaders, Pauline, shared a bit from her heart during one of the song transitions. She spoke of our “marriage” to Christ as believers, and how you abandon all other relationships once you find your true love in Jesus. She gave a call for us to break covenant with other distractions, other loves, but she used a phrase I’ve never heard and it has rattled in my head ever…

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I Can’t Shift Out Of Park

A couple of days ago, my wife’s SUV decided to stop shifting out of park. We wrestled with it, checked fuses, stomped on the brakes, turned it off and on again – nothing. It would not budge except for the occasional “lucky” shift. We just had the transmission replaced last year so this little glitch made me nervous. I hit the owner’s manual and found a shift lock override feature as a temporary fix, then…

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Thoughts on Tipping

Last week, we ate at a nice restaurant that I’d never been to before, and had exceptionally great service. It caused me to reflect back on my 6 years of waiting tables, and I had some thoughts that I felt are worth sharing, and may or may not be commonly well known.  Always go in to the meal planning on tipping 20%. That is the minimum base rate for acceptable service.  The tip will be…

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Why Your “Strength Finders” Don’t Matter

Truthfully, they actually do matter…I exaggerated a bit to get your attention. Did it work? Good. I have, however, noticed a growing trend that bothers me enough to warrant a few paragraphs of my thoughts… In many circles, personality tests like Strength Finders, DISC, and others have gained traction over the years. Recently, we’ve been taught and urged to give these tests a lot of credit when making decisions and interacting with people. Full disclosure:…

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