Amazing little slideshow I stumbled across. Normally not a fan of these slideshow type deals, but couldn’t pass this one up. 30 best Creative, Design & Marketing Quotes from Mike Hendrixen
At the time of this writing, I’ve only been married less than 8 months. Still, I’m snatching up every resource on marriage I can, because I want a successful long-lasting one. When I heard Mark Driscoll was releasing a marriage book, I knew it would be helpful and controversial at the same time. I’ve followed Driscoll from a distance and appreciate his approach to Godly living although he can be…different in some ways. This book…
Just as there are things we can do to help fuel our creativity, there are several thieves of the stuff. They sneak in and grab the powerful creative forces before they can be used. They’re never pushy, loud, or obvious…but they are intensely damaging nonetheless. Here are a few of mine… Lack of sleep…my body hates me when I’m not rested, and I won’t produce anything of quality. Distraction…Twitter and Youtube can really…
I was riding in a family car road trip – the type where laughter is plentiful, songs are poorly off key, and everyone knows what’s coming when Dad cracks the window open a bit. It was getting late, and things were quieting down…I resorted to my cell phone for some entertainment. Reading a few blogs, catching up on twitter, reviewing google web analytics – the usual nerd stuff. One problem – I was at 6%…