Excerpt from 14 Things I Learned from Danny and Diane McDaniel
2- See & Believe The Best In People
Are you familiar with a concept called “The Crab Mentality”? Sometimes referred to as “crabs in the bucket”, it is a way of thinking best described by the phrase, “if I can’t have it, neither can you.”
Imagine a bucket or barrel full of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape up the walls, but instead they mindlessly grab at each other in some kind of twisted “king of the hill” game. The crabs see one achieving more, and going after freedom, and they remain at the bottom of the barrel. So they do the only thing within reach – they grab and pull the escaping crab back down in to the pit!
Hmm…doesn’t that perfectly describe today’s corporate workforce?
Politics, jealousy, fear, and gossip have squelched millions of dreams and ambitions.
I don’t need to reinforce these things to you – chances are if you’re reading this, you already sense the poisonous environment in today’s work culture!
Perhaps that’s why we’ve seen such a rise in recent years in entrepreneurs and small business owners. Let’s take a look at some quick small business statistics from Forbes:
The SBA defines a small business as an enterprise having fewer than 500 employees
There are almost 28 million small businesses in the US and over 22 million are self employed with no additional payroll or employees (these are called nonemployers)
Over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) works in a small business
Small businesses have generated over 65% of the net new jobs since 1995
Look at that…65% of the net new jobs have been generated by self employed and small business owners!
Danny and Diane are one of those statistics – they have been a part of that success through direct sales, and in 1997 they became their own bosses and began a life and legacy of financial independence.
Through Danny and Diane, I’ve seen the opposite of the crab mentality at work…it’s as if they position themselves underneath others, and metorphically push them out of the bucket to their freedom and destiny.
It’s as if they make it their full time job to believe in other people and empower them to their destiny…almost to a fault! No matter the outcome, social standing, economic status, or depth of relationship, they will find the best in you and attempt to pull it out!
I often will try to view people this way, but I find my view is tainted if I feel like the relationship won’t last or has a chance of failure. Danny and Diane have shown me to love and value others, even if things could end badly – they leave it all on the table when it comes to believing in people!
I’ve seen them show grace and love to people that have lost them thousands of dollars in business decisions.
I’ve seen an individual mock and belittle their beliefs and social efforts, even just shortly after receiving expensive assets as a gift from them.
I’ve seen them open their home up to an individual, who just months prior, caused deep verbal wounds and fractured business relationships.
There’s something deep in their DNA that causes an unconditional love for people and an unwavering passion for their individual success…no matter the cost!
I am thankful to witness this selfless service first hand, and I pray that a hint of this passion has rubbed off on me. May you become burdened and unwavering in your life as well, to pull others out of the bucket they’re in and see the best in them.