Biblical Insight – Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:56:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Biblical Insight – 32 32 vote for SELF Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:56:27 +0000
The reason the Christian life is challenging for many of us is because we have still elected SELF to be in charge.
Our American version of Christianity reinforces the idea that it’s every man for himself, that you are in charge of your own peace, that it’s a dog eat dog world, and you gotta look out for number one.
Jesus preaches the exact opposite: that in order to find your life, you have to lose it. In order to be first, you have to be last. In order to be great, you have to be small.
You can’t have it both ways. You can’t follow Jesus and let SELF lead. Once you signed up for this thing, you forfeited your rights to be in charge.
The internal tug of war and struggle comes when we fail to fully surrender to his Lordship. Following Jesus doesn’t mean we go to church and host a small group, it means we fully surrendered ownership of our lives to him.
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Marvel Movies, Playing in the Sandbox, and Local Church Fri, 22 Jul 2022 15:19:05 +0000 It’s no secret that I have been a big marvel fan. Let’s face it, I’m a nerd at heart and have just never fully grown up.

If you follow the Marvel scene at all, you may have noticed that there is somewhat of a negative connotation in Hollywood when it comes to Marvel movies. The more artistic and poetic actors and directors have made negative comments about the type of movies that MArvel creates are not “true art” – that the team behind them is just trying to grab as much cash as they can and missing the true art of moviemaking.

One actor who has made comments in the past is Ethan Hawke. He’s an American actor, director, and novelist best known for his portrayals of cerebral sensitive men. He was never extremely cricitial of Marvel, but he did make a few comments in the past.

In 2022, he came out as the main antagonist in the Disney+ Marvel series, Moon Night. Recently, an article came out about what motivated Ethan to become a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Turns out, it was a conversation with his daughter Maya, who you probably know as the character Robin from Stranger Things (friend of Steve Harrington), that changed his mind.

Here’s an excerpt from the article from

A large reason as to why Hawke joined the MCU comes courtesy of his daughter, the breakout star of Netflix’s Stranger Things. According to Ethan, his daughter was the person to convince him to join the Marvel world and make it his own.

“Maya would say to me, ‘Why are you sitting on the outside and telling everyone their sandbox is bad? Why don’t you go into their sandbox, play with them, and show them what you have to offer?'” the actor said in a recent interview with IndieWire. “I said to Oscar Isaac, ‘We’ve got to go play in Marvel’s sandbox and try to do what we do. We don’t have to change Marvel. We just want to show them what we’re capable of doing and see if they find it interesting.’ So we had a lot of rehearsals and worked on things a lot. We had a really good experience.”

And he did bring some interesting things to the show. Moon Knight was a unique and captivating storyline in the Marvel world, because of Ethan’s contributions.

I absolutely love the advice from Maya: Why are you sitting on the outside and telling everyone their sandbox is bad?

The first thing I thought of when I read that is the local church – particularly the hordes of young people who are “deconstructing”, or making a hobby of critiquing and criticizing how the church is done.

Leaving the sandbox and telling everyone how horrible it is doesn’t;t do any good. I get it, the Church at large has some issues. But what if instead of taking the time to vomit all over it, why don’t we go play and see what we have to offer?


There are plenty of Youtubers, Podcasters, and Documentarians who are sitting on the outside making a mockery or bringing critiques to the table. Let’s commit to jumping in the sandbox and bringing what we have to offer, rather than pointing out the issues.


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Spiritual Gypsies Mon, 19 Oct 2020 01:54:43 +0000 In today’s charismatic Christian circles, there seems to be a strange trend of hopping from church to church to serve or “minister” in different places while neglecting to stay planted in one home for very long. ⁣

I was burdened with this for our local community today in prayer, but I know it’s a more widespread issue. In fact, years ago I was talking about this idea with the worship pastor at our prior church, Keegan Sidhu, about this particularly in the worship circles. He mentioned it feels like people are trying to build their own individual artists platforms and influence rather than dig in and build the local church. ⁣

This is not an issue exclusively plaguing worship leaders and musicians though, it’s many people – I’ve been guilty of it as well. We value opportunities and platforms over faithfulness and ditch digging. ⁣

In prayer today The Lord began to speak to me about Gypsies and Rogue Agents in the Body of Christ. Did some research and found some interesting parallels. ⁣

????Gypsies (or Roma’s) were nomadic in order to survive. They were heavily discriminated against and only hung out in an area until they were run off. ⁣
????They didn’t submit to any local government but held their own set of rules (hmmmmm).⁣
????They didn’t claim any one religion, rather they absorbed for a season whatever was the popular religion of the area (again, hmmmm… sounds like an identity issue, huh? Like many believers who hop around)⁣

Then I looked up the word Rogue, the other word bouncing around in my head: ⁣

“an animal of vicious character that has separated from the main herd and leads a solitary life. Ex: a Rogue Elephant”⁣

Know anyone with “vicious” character who has decided it’s easier to do life alone and that planting deep isn’t worth it? That solitary life is more their style ? Same type of people that claim church isn’t necessary or who often quote things like “I love Jesus but not his people”⁣

Another thing Keegan said was that often times people use the “I’m planted in the kingdom” or “I’m more about the Capital C Church” as justification for not truly planting themselves for the long haul or an extended period of time in a local church.

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I Don’t Think The World Is Ending Mon, 19 Oct 2020 01:38:58 +0000 For as long as I have been a believer, I have noticed there are many preachers who prey on weaker or more immature Christians. They play into the fears many of us have, and much like the main stream media, they use fear and paranoia to bring in listeners and build an audience. Prosperity preachers play into our fear of poverty, and promise wealth and riches if we just give enough money to God. I’m noticing in the middle of this pandemic that there is a plethora of people playing into another fear – the fear of the end of the world. ⁣

Sadly it’s very low hanging fruit, to simply say the world is ending and then share words as to why. You would think we’d recognize the fear mongering by now but for some reason many still fall for the latest viral sermon video , crazy dream someone had, or latest book on how everything is burning to the ground.⁣

It’s one thing to share a prophetic word the Lord laid on your heart in the middle of a hard season, but it’s another thing to take this global difficulty we are experiencing and turn it into in ministry marketing campaign.⁣

I worked in marketing for a mega ministry years ago, and it left me kind of cynical for good reason – Seeing the dark underbelly of how mega ministers turn good messages into money making machines is a little bit unsettling at the minimum (who knows , maybe I’ll write a book about that one day ????). ⁣

Maybe the world is ending and we’re in the middle of it. Maybe it’s not. Either way I’m not a huge fan of preying on people’s fears.

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5 Distinctions Between “Spiritual Consumers” & “Spiritual Contributors” Mon, 19 Feb 2018 22:45:59 +0000

I have a few friends that cause me to wince whenever I see an incoming phone call or text message from them. We aren’t especially close or deep in our relationship – we’re friendly and cordial, but saying we’re “friends” may even be a stretch. Those friends are not contributors, they are consumers.

The problem with this handful of friends is that they only call me when they need something. More than likely, if this person is calling, they’re only calling because I have something that they need or can do something that they need help with. I’m sure you have people in your life like that – you quickly realize the context of a relationship and soon identify that these few people will always be the “takers” in the relationship.

This mentality in people really frustrated me and made me want to really whittle down my friend list and start blocking a few numbers…until the revelation hit me that I do the same thing to God and His Body.

There is a mentality that has leaked out of secular culture and crept in to our churches – the mindset that screams “you are here to entertain and please me”. I’m worried it’s created a generation of spiritual consumers! We now seem to be overrun with the type of Christians that approach God and the local church only when they need something and disregard any finances, talent, time, or creativity that they can offer.

Here are a few ways to tell if you’re part of the spiritual consumers or contributors:

  1. Consumers come to church late and leave right when it ends.
    Contributors show up early to offer a helping hand and greet newcomers.
  2. Consumers show up to church only to be “fed”, then complain that their pastor or messages aren’t “meat” or “deep enough”.
    Contributors “feed themselves” in their private study time, and show up to church to serve and expand the big-picture Kingdom.
  3. Consumers expect the church to rush to their rescue when financial crisis or sickness occurs, but do nothing to contribute to the immediate needs of others.
    Contributors are the first ones to the hospital, first ones baking a casserole for a sick member, and the first ones to open their wallets when they see a family hurting financially.
  4. Consumers rush to speak to the pastor at every available opportunity – they desperately need one-on-one time with the “Man of God”.
    Contributors seek to pastor and lead their own families and inner circles – they rely on God more than man to lead them & they seek accountability when necessary from church leadership.
  5. Consumers hop from church to church, seeking the perfect worship, preaching, and community – yet never seem to find it.
    Contributors plugin to the congregation God has called them to be a part, and they plant roots deep. They treat the Body like spiritual family and don’t abandon ship easily.

I thank God for everyone who steps foot in a church building, whether they are consumers or contributors. However, if you’re reading this, I know you’re called to be more than just a consumer, but a spiritual contributor for the sake of advancing the Gospel of Jesus.

May we all have the attitude and spirit of a contributor, and like the apostles in the book of Acts, seek to establish the Kingdom on earth rather than prioritizing our own comfort.

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Why I Wrote “Tell It Well” Wed, 14 Feb 2018 03:46:00 +0000

Have you ever had an idea or project laying dormant in your mind, and something suddenly happens that causes it to “click” and re-ignites the passion behind it?

In spring of 2016, I had a moment like that, while sitting in a church service. A little back story: I had been working on a book for 18 months. I had begun with fierce determination to write and publish my first book before I turned thirty, but the project had slowly lost steam and was currently sitting in a junk drawer in my brain, half-finished.

This particular church service was a little different – it was a “celebration service” where certain church members would come to the front, and share their personal testimonies of victory in their life. I remember sitting in this service as story after story was spoken from the mic on stage – powerful stories of God working various life-transforming miracles. Each story was 3-5 minutes in length, and I began to notice a pattern that bothered me. Most of the people that shared their stories did so in a way that made the testimony seem weak, or unauthentic. These were unbelievable but true stories – financial breakthrough in the midst of desperation, a little girl being healed of an auto-immune disease, a marriage coming back form the brink of divorce…yet many who held the mic lacked confidence and strength when telling their story. 6 out of the 7 people telling stories that day did so without much conviction or confidence in their voice or demeanor. I was stirred – and realized this wasn’t an isolated issue. Many Christians, when telling their stories, do so weakly and without passion. Yet, we carry some of the most powerful tales that can be told!

After that service, and through the course of the summer leading into fall, I began to hone my book down and gave it a purpose – to help inspire people to tell the story well. I put time into it, sought counsel through a writer’s conference and a trusted editor and publisher, and made the book a reality… 6 days before I turned 30!

Here it is:

Here’s why I wrote it and what it’s all about: I wrote this for you. I sort of did this for me, because I had to get what was in my brain and heart out on to paper, but I mostly did this for you. 

I wanted a resource that would help equip people to tell The Story well.

I wanted it to be funny, well written, personal, and empowering (I feel like I at least nailed 3 of those).

I wanted it to have real stories of my own life, interwoven with helpful nuggets and storytelling principles that could transform the way we see and tell our stories.

You know those moments in life that stick with you, those things that someone says—often off the cuff—that you can’t get out of your head? I remember hearing a strong, faithful man of God talking about the walk of the believer. He spoke of how, at the end of your life, only one thing will matter: your personal history with God. 

     Did you just attend church, or was your life made up of a series of God moments that show an actual relationship with the Lord?

I’ve learned that a huge key to this faith thing is simple… it’s about the story. The story of the Gospel, and the story of how that truth changed your life.

So this is a book of stories. Some of the stories are mine, some are stories that I’ve encountered along the way that I’ve felt were worth sharing. My stories are the ones I know best, so I to spend a lot of pages telling you those.

Then I help show you how to build yours – how to take the moments that God has touched your life, and make them come alive on your lips. 

Fill them with passionate invitation, and joyful expression of what a moment with God can do. 

Because there’s more to it than just hearing about or reading the stories for yourself.

I believe that Christians have the greatest hope in the entire world – but for the most part, we are terrible at communicating it.

The world has plenty of deep theology books. This isn’t that; just a few of my experiences that I pray you can benefit from. Sometimes, all it takes to compel you to live out an incredible story is hearing the story of someone else who is on the same journey.

Simply put, “Tell It Well” is a collection of personal Christian stories, and a call to action for other Christians to take the story that they have in their hearts or personal experiences with God and share it with the world.  This book will will equip & inspire Christians of all backgrounds to have confidence in sharing their experiences and God-stories with others.

Order yours today & begin the journey of better storytelling.


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The Swaying Ship Tue, 30 Jan 2018 19:17:28 +0000

On our honeymoon nearly 7 years ago, we decided to spend half our 8 days of celebrating newlywed bliss on land, and the other half on a Caribbean cruise. Neither of us had been on a cruise, but it sounded fun, and my wife only got the occasional motion sickness…so of course this was a good idea!

The first night of our ocean journey began with a storm in the bay in Miami before we set sail. We made our way to our room on the ship that afternoon, and got our things in place to begin exploring the vessel before departure the next morning. Since vacations are basically just a trip for you to go and eat in other places, our first stop was the dining halls where we had a world-class dinner. As we left the table, my wife made some comments about beginning to feel a little woozy, like she could feel the ship moving – I didn’t notice it much myself.

When we got back to the room, she laid down on the bed to regain her composure. I headed to the small restroom in our room, and as I walked across the room, I felt the ship bob significantly and I stumbled into the restroom door.

“Luke, Stop! Quit messing with me, you’re making me sea sick just watching you mess around like that!”

My wife thought I was just playing around, but I legitimately was feeling the moving of the ship so strongly that I couldn’t help but be propelled sideways across the hall! Although I would totally mess with her like that, in that instance I wasn’t. I’ll spare you the details of the rest of the effects of the motion sickness, but fortunately it got better the rest of the cruise as we set sail in calmer waters the next day.

I was reading Romans 8 not too long ago and a study I came across described the passage in a way I had never heard. I was in verses 1-9:

8 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.[a] 2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you[b] free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. 3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,[c] he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. 6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. 10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus[d] from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.


The study I was reading highlighted verse 9 in a unique way:

What does it mean that “you are in the Spirit”? It means that you are in the sway of the Spirit, under the power of the Spirit. It means that the Spirit is the decisive influence on your life. I don´t say only influence. He has his enemies and competitors. But to be “in the Spirit” is to come from the power of darkness into the power of God (Acts 26:18).

I loved that terminology,”Sway of the Spirit”. I immediately thought of that first night on the cruise ship. I don’t believe God wants to be like some maniacal puppet master of your life – that’s a whole other blog series on Free Will. However, He wants to nudge you, lead you, and guide you through this life! Are you allowing the Spirit of God to influence your movement? Is there a “sway” in your life that is caused by living surrendered to the power of His Spirit? My dad used to constantly teach us as kids about living for the flesh vs living for the Spirit – and he would constantly drive home the fact that life was easier and better lived in a way that was surrendered to the Spirit’s leadership!

So live in the Sway – I promise you won’t get seasick!

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