Book Reviews – Sun, 26 Feb 2012 21:47:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Book Reviews – 32 32 Real Marriage – Book Review Sun, 26 Feb 2012 21:47:43 +0000 At the time of this writing, I’ve only been married less than 8 months. Still, I’m snatching up every resource on marriage I can, because I want a successful long-lasting one. When I heard Mark Driscoll was releasing a marriage book, I knew it would be helpful and controversial at the same time. I’ve followed Driscoll from a distance and appreciate his approach to Godly living although he can be…different in some ways. This book is a direct reflection of the Driscoll we know and love (or hate). It’s honest, brutal, transparent, and very raw. I highly recommend, especially for couples considering or already serving in full-time ministry. It may make some readers blush…but overall it’s very refreshing to see a such a gut-level approach to sex and marriage when so many other Christian authors dance lightly around real issues. Real Marriage is just that…Real. (I was given a review copy in exchange for my unbiased review by Booksneeze).



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Heaven Is For Real – DVD Kit Review Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:23:28 +0000  

My wife and I purchased the original book HIFR when it first began sweeping the nation – and we LOVED it. We passed it on to several friends and family members, and it gave deep insightful meaning about heaven from a 4 year old’s perspective. This kit is meant to piggy-back on the original book and bring more “behind the scenes” content to the book, and for a small group setting. I was given a complimentary copy of this kit from the publisher in exchange for an unbiased review. I reviewed this alone, so I’m not 100% able to speak in to how this would work for a small group setting – but from imagination, I couldn’t see it working really well, unless the group was fairly new converts. The book offers a discussion guide with fill in the blank questions for small groups, and the DVD offers 5 segments 10-20 minutes in length. Overall, I felt like the quality of the DVD was good – but was built with minimal effort. I edit video for a living, so maybe I’m more picky than most, but I felt that for such a widespread movement as the book was, there could have been more effort put in to the titles and DVD menus. Otherwise, the footage was good, and the set that the Burpo’s were interviewed on looked high quality.

Again – I don’t imagine this working particularly well in a well-established small group. However, if you’re looking for a tool to help build the foundation of Heaven in to new believers or doubters, this is a good tool. Not great, but good.

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The 360 Degree Leader – Book Review Tue, 08 Nov 2011 02:36:05 +0000 John Maxwell – For many, one can simply utter the name, or say “…the new book by John Maxwell”, and the feelings of excitement and anticipation to read it soon are built up.

This book is no exception. I first was introduced to John Maxwell by his Leadership Bible, and have heard him speak on a few occasions. I must admit, I had a bit of hesitation when choosing to read this title (I was given a complimentary copy of the e-book version from Booksneeze in exchange for a non-biased review). When I opened the book, I thought that the concept “lead from anywhere within the organization” was a bit far-fetched, and unrealistic. However, Maxwell makes it very plain that Leadership is what you make it…

His insight can be impactful, from the know-it-all boss, to the frustrated mid-level employee. John Maxwell again hits it out of the park with practical, sound leadership advice.

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Book Review – Our Last Great Hope Mon, 05 Sep 2011 20:35:00 +0000 “If today’s evangelical church were personified as an ordinary man, we would find him flabby and out of shape.”

These are the types of thoughts and strong statements that Ronnie Floyd makes to believers in this powerful wake up call of a book; a much needed write to today’s lethargic approach to evanglism.

I received a free copy of this book via – and have enjoyed every page. It’s a powerfully written book – Floyd makes his case not only as a passionate pastor, but a good writer. He crosses denominational boundaries and gets to the core of evangelism and the Great Commission in a desperate and urgent plea to fellow Christians and Pastors. A+!


All views and opinions articulated are my own. I did not pledge a positive evaluation.

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Book Review – With Wed, 10 Aug 2011 13:54:43 +0000 I was given a digital copy of “With” by Skye Jethani to review, from, and was initially impressed with the overall idea. Skye writes that for far too long we’ve limited our relationship with God to four categories – Under, For, From, or Over; each with their own good or bad qualities. Instead, we need to learn to do life WITH God – a full on, healthy, living breathing relationship, same as we do life WITH loved ones and family. I really love the concept, and wholeheartedly agree with his thoughts on the subject, but I feel as though it was poorly executed. The writing style seemed very straightfoward, and not very “book-ish” – at times, I felt as though I were reading a series of tweets about the subject – very broken up and simple sentences, when I was hoping for a very deep and complex writing style. Some may enjoy that, but I felt it wasn’t as engaging – as though it didn’t take much thought to actually write, although the actual idea is very good.

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Wild At Heart Review Fri, 05 Aug 2011 21:22:17 +0000 I first read Wild at Heart about 6 years ago, and it deeply affected my life as a teenager, trying to figure out manhood and what it meant to really be a man of God. This book brought back memories of the first time I read it, in a nicer presentation, and some newer and updated content revisions. It really takes an in-depth look at the emotions (yes, men do have them) and energies that drive a man to do what he does – I felt like I was reading a biography of my soul. Love this book, and have given several copies away to other young men of the faith that I do life with.

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