
Random Ranting

Learn from hard stuff

⁣⁣My dad used to say that life is about passing a series of tests, and God will let you keep retaking them until you pass. ⁣⁣years ago, I was going through a really frustrating season at my job. There was some stuff going on that was really eating at me. There wasn’t really much I could do to change the situation other than quit, and I didn’t feel led to do that at that time….

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Spiritual Gypsies

In today’s charismatic Christian circles, there seems to be a strange trend of hopping from church to church to serve or “minister” in different places while neglecting to stay planted in one home for very long. ⁣⁣I was burdened with this for our local community today in prayer, but I know it’s a more widespread issue. In fact, years ago I was talking about this idea with the worship pastor at our prior church, Keegan…

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I Don’t Think The World Is Ending

For as long as I have been a believer, I have noticed there are many preachers who prey on weaker or more immature Christians. They play into the fears many of us have, and much like the main stream media, they use fear and paranoia to bring in listeners and build an audience. Prosperity preachers play into our fear of poverty, and promise wealth and riches if we just give enough money to God. I’m…

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The Holiday Hustle (It’s Not What You Think)

I️ guess one thing you do when you’re old is marvel / complain about how quickly time is going by. Since I recently turned 32 and am feeling like a full fledged adult now, I’ll take my opportunity to do that here. December already? Wow, I️ can’t believe Christmas is nearly upon us, it feels like 2019 just flew past! I️ want to take a moment and encourage everyone reading this that has a side...
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When Your Dreams Change

In June of 2014, I began writing a book I called “Landmark”. I’d always had a dream to write and publish my first book before I was 30 (more on that later) and I decided that summer was the time to knock it out. I started just throwing up words on the page, and created a rough outline and vague direction. This book would be about building a personal history with God, and mostly featured...
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The Weird Trend

I’ve noticed a trend in marketing specifically with Christian authors, and it’s starting to bother me. I’m not trying to judge and this is not a slam – who knows, maybe one day I’ll succumb to similar tactics due to necessity of the market. I hope not. Obviously online marketing works, it’s an industry I work in, and I’m for it. I’m currently marketing to you and you don’t even know it! I mean, have…

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Thoughts on Tipping

Last week, we ate at a nice restaurant that I’d never been to before, and had exceptionally great service. It caused me to reflect back on my 6 years of waiting tables, and I had some thoughts that I felt are worth sharing, and may or may not be commonly well known.  Always go in to the meal planning on tipping 20%. That is the minimum base rate for acceptable service.  The tip will be…

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Celebrating Marriage

A strong marriage is worth celebrating! Not a perfect marriage, not an instagram-worthy marriage, but a strong one in the midst of challenges and “I-didn’t-know-it-would-be-like-this” moments. Funny thing is, we start off marriage here in America with a huge planned party with friends and family (and sometimes people you don’t necessarily love but know they’ll bring the Vita-mix). We often rack up a ton of debt to throw this barn buster, pull out all the…

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Never Seen Star Wars? Start Here.

Star Wars TFA everything my inner teenage nerd wanted it to be. Awesome! On a related note, it has come to my attention that I keep some of the wrong kind of friends around here on FB – the kind of friends that have never seen ANY Star Wars…Shame, shame. If you are one of these wrong friendships in my life, and want to turn your life around by getting started on the Star Wars…

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