Uncategorized – lukegajary.org https://lukegajary.org Mon, 25 Mar 2024 12:28:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://lukegajary.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-sitefavicon-32x32.png Uncategorized – lukegajary.org https://lukegajary.org 32 32 Between Reverence and Reformation https://lukegajary.org/between-reverence-and-reformation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=between-reverence-and-reformation https://lukegajary.org/between-reverence-and-reformation/#respond Mon, 25 Mar 2024 12:28:53 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/between-reverence-and-reformation/ The Double Edge of Church Critique

I always appreciate when a friend reaches out with concern or a heads up about walking into a bad church situation — especially when it concerns my family’s spiritual growth. 

What I DON’T like is when I notice a blatant double standard about the types of churches or people that get “whistleblown” on, and others that get a free pass because of their theological leaning or background. 

For example, many followers of John MacArthur are quick to jump all over charismatic preachers when they fail or teach poor doctrine but never call out their “godfather” for some pretty serious allegations within his ministry. 

The content below was originally paywalled.

2 years ago, when we were looking to settle into a new church home after a move 3 hours away, I posted some Instagram stories of our journey “touring” churches and celebrated the church we were in that Sunday. We really liked it, and we felt at home after visiting 7 different churches. We didn’t realize what lay below the surface… 

One of my posts drew a direct message from an acquaintance I’ve made through getting to know each other in similar ministry circles. He shared some concerns about the church we chose. He knew previous staff members that were a part of it, and had a lot of negative things to say about the lead pastor, his narccisitic behavior, and harmful leadership practices. 

I acknowledged the message, and appreciated where he was coming from. However, I also took it with a grain of salt – this person had been wounded (spiritually) by leaders in a similar leadership vein, so I did question how pure the allegations were. After talking to my wife about it, we agreed to  “proceed with caution” and we plugged in. We got very connected, and I even worked with them on social media and video stuff. 

After a year, we left the church, not because of the aforementioned narcissistic patterns, but mainly because of some concerns within the children ministry. Mainly, the church was growing too fast and could not handle the logistics of a healthy kids ministry very well. I let me concerns be made known to the proper leadership in the church, and we slowly began stepping back and searching for a new church. Although I could see some glimpses of unhealthy leadership, I did not personally experience any wounding or spiritual abuse there, and that was not at all why we left. 

We found a new home that worked amazingly well for our family and has been a breath of fresh air. It’s in a very different theological stream than our background, and offers a vibrant and healthy ministry to kids.

After some research into the background and story of this church, we learned that not that long ago, they went through a VERY MESSY scandal. They were previously a campus of a larger DFW church, and split off to become their own autonomous church in 2019. That’s not the messy part. The week the separation was implemented, which was planned and healthy, the lead pastor of the “new church”  was found out to have been involved in an extramarital affair with the worship pastor’s wife. It had happened years prior, but was discovered in the fall of 2019. Later in 2020, it was discovered that not only was it an affair, but that apparently the campus pastor, worship pastor, and their wives were living in a swingers lifestyle – and intentionally grooming members of the church to join them in their sexual escapades.

Horrible! A teaching pastor, leading services every week, and a worship pastor, leading in song every week, hiding some awful sinful activities. 

We knew this awful history, and we started attending the church despite it. Why?

It had been dealt with appropriately. The people responsible were removed from leadership, victims were heard out and empathized with, and the church made the issues known to the congregation. What was hidden had been brought to light and reckoned with. 

Here’s the rub. 

When we left the first church that my friend had warned me about, I followed up with him a year later to let him know our experience. I told him I could see maybe some glimpses of what his friends had experienced, but that was not our story there. 

We had a great conversation, and he ended it by asking what church we attended now. 

I told him, and he seemed happy for us. He told me he knew many people at that church, and that he had worked a lot with leadership there before it branched off from the larger church entity.  He spoke very positively of the church. 

Not a word of the scandal. No wrongdoing to warn us about, no leadership issues, no whistle to blow. Despite the fact that in reality, the abuse and sin that happened here was far worse than the allegations he had for our previous church. 

My mind wandered after that chat. 

I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a theological alliance – that it’s okay to overlook certain issues or not bring theem to light because the circle is different. It seems like it’s incredibly popular to crap all over charismatic churches right now – and part of that is correct; what’s happening at IHOP is a disaster and deserves to be called out and investigated.

Problem is, a lot of issues are happening in Baptist, Protestant, and Reformed circles now as well — but we tend to ignore or gloss over “our own”, don’t we? 

https://lukegajary.org/between-reverence-and-reformation/feed/ 0
"my website is fine, thanks" https://lukegajary.org/my-website-is-fine-thanks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-website-is-fine-thanks https://lukegajary.org/my-website-is-fine-thanks/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:15:01 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/my-website-is-fine-thanks/ a story on how we get attached to things that suck

I recently began doing some research on changing the color on one of my vehicles using a vinyl wrap. I’m intimidated by doing it myself, but it’s very expensive to do it at a professional shop.

During COVID-19, I ramped up my website work for local businesses where we lived at the time, and I learned more about the vehicle wrap industry through one of my website clients at that time. I

I was proud of how that site came out, so I had an idea…I would find a local vehicle wrap shop, one that has a terrible website, and offer to trade them a new fully custom website in exchange for a new vehicle wrap.

According to some quotes and estimates I had, it would be about the same cost ($2500ish), so this seemed like a no-brainer.

I did some research in my community Facebook groups and found a guy that had a well-rated shop near me. I looked up his website.

Bingo! It sucked!

I called him up and pitched my idea.

“Hey Dave, my name is Luke, and I have a suburban I want to get a simple wrap on. What would your ballpark price be for that?”

He told me the price, and it lined up with what I thought.

“Great, man, thanks! Hey, a little bit of a different idea. I do websites and digital marketing for a living, and I want to propose a trade. I built an awesome website for a vehicle wrap company in Abilene a few years ago, and if you’re open to it, would you be interested in bartering – website for wrap?”


He though for a second.

“You know, that sounds like a great idea, and I’m always open to bartering. Truth is, right now I have a website I’m okay with, so I’m just going to keep it as is. I have a guy that maintains it for me so I’m not looking to change things up. But if you just want to pay outright, I’ll wrap your car no problem”

I was shocked. The website was so bad.

“Okay. Thanks man! I’ll let you know”

I hung up in disbelief, almost offended that he would legitmately believe his site was OK.

My guess is that Dave spends so much time with vehicles and vinyl that he doesn’t look up much to see what’s happened in the website world since 2010.

I wonder if I have had any blind spots or things I stuck to that sucked.

Here’s his site homepage:

https://lukegajary.org/my-website-is-fine-thanks/feed/ 0
My previously homeless content https://lukegajary.org/my-previously-homeless-content/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-previously-homeless-content https://lukegajary.org/my-previously-homeless-content/#respond Thu, 21 Mar 2024 21:19:44 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/my-previously-homeless-content/

Social media is a strange wasteland of filtered, curated, and manicured content.

I signed up for Twitter in 2011. Instagram in 2012. Facebook somewhere before that.

I’ve used various platforms for various reasons. I’ve even been building an email list for the past 8 years.

In all the time of social media, I have felt two strong pulls when posting, creating, or sharing content – that I now see as false realities:

1. Filter Everything

I can’t just share what’s on my mind. I have to be cognizant of people’s feelings, of what a future potential employer would think, and work hard to not get canceled – especially now. People need to see that my life and my family are perfect – that what you see is what you get – a great leader and a strong family man. I’m a thought leader, so I need to be positioned in a place that shows me as the expert (whoops, my inner monologue is showing.

2. Everything has to make sense or fit your niche.

On paper, I’m a creative digital marketing expert with a strong career, and have a ministry background. Everything I produce should fit in that box, right?

What do I do with leadership principles I’m testing out? I’m not John Maxwell!

What about cooking? I love to cook, and I allowed to write about that?

I write books often, in various topics for various audiences. Who hears about that?

Do I divide my content by network? Gen Z’s on Insta, Millenials and Boomers on FB, and hope to catch all on my emails?

I sitll play with Lego, write about hot takes, wonder about pop culture…and much more that has felt like social media homelessness.

This is where substack comes in.

It will be home to all the content types that I want to write about – thought leadership, family life, marketing, ministry, cooking – it’s all here. I don’t have to make it make sense for one of my “perceived audiences”.

It also answers a third question:

3. You can’t overshare or create division online

I have a lot of stories that I’ve processed in my life and have learned a lot from.

There are approximately 1789 notes on my phone from ideas, stories, lessons, and more. Most of them remain on my phone because I lack time to articulate them properly.

However…some of them remain unpublished because public forums like Facebook or X are not a great place to dialogue about divisive or strongly opinionated topics.

The idea of paywalled content makes it easier to share ideas that remain for a select few who care – and not get caught up in those who want to make noise online with no real vested interest.

The free tier will get subjects similar to what I already write about, and I’ll reserve the paid tier for these more exclusive topics, like:

  • What I saw in AdvoCare 2012-2017

  • What types of people I’ll never work with again as a marketer and why

  • the time I pissed off the worship leader at our church

  • lack of financial integrity in many parachurch ministries and what we can do about it

  • hacks to write and publish your own books without paying thousands

  • things I hate about church culture

  • things I hate about corporate culture

  • …and more spicy takes to come

https://lukegajary.org/my-previously-homeless-content/feed/ 0
Coming soon https://lukegajary.org/coming-soon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=coming-soon https://lukegajary.org/coming-soon/#respond Thu, 21 Mar 2024 03:00:57 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/coming-soon/ This is Luke’s Substack.

https://lukegajary.org/coming-soon/feed/ 0
Luke Gajary | Fractional CMO https://lukegajary.org/luke-gajary-fractional-cmo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=luke-gajary-fractional-cmo https://lukegajary.org/luke-gajary-fractional-cmo/#respond Fri, 15 Sep 2023 02:03:35 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/?p=2015

Bentley Martinez

Ready to take the next step and work together?

https://lukegajary.org/luke-gajary-fractional-cmo/feed/ 0
I bet you’ve been wondering about the periodic table of meat. Well – here it is. https://lukegajary.org/i-bet-youve-been-wondering-about-the-periodic-table-of-meat-well-here-it-is/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-bet-youve-been-wondering-about-the-periodic-table-of-meat-well-here-it-is https://lukegajary.org/i-bet-youve-been-wondering-about-the-periodic-table-of-meat-well-here-it-is/#respond Fri, 27 May 2011 21:57:52 +0000 http://rebirthcreativedesigns.com/i-bet-youve-been-wondering-about-the-periodic-table-of-meat-well-here-it-is/ I bet you've been wondering about the periodic table of meat. Well - here it is.

https://lukegajary.org/i-bet-youve-been-wondering-about-the-periodic-table-of-meat-well-here-it-is/feed/ 0
Winston Churchill https://lukegajary.org/winston-churchhill/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=winston-churchhill https://lukegajary.org/winston-churchhill/#respond Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:01:34 +0000 http://lukeinthebox.wordpress.com/?p=62 Here’s a review of this book, which I received through Thomas Nelson’s Booksneeze program…Free books for bloggers? Heck yes!

The first thing I noticed when I got this book in the mail is the size of the thing – much smaller than I expected! I was wondering if it was going to be a big fat dry biography (you know, the kind you read in high school that made you never want to touch another as long as you lived), but that was not the case at all. It seemed like the kind of book you could just sit down and knock out in an afternoon – which is exactly the kind of book it is. Being a non-fiction, some parts of it do drag a bit, but for the most part it’s an engaging read. John Perry gives a lot of information, without being to dry or stiff about it, or making you feel like you’re reading a textbook.

Great book for those who love history, and biographies.

(Side note, on the practical side: the book is paperback, but built in to the binding are inside flaps, like what you would find on the insert of a hardcover. Never seen this in a paperback before, but I really liked them. They made handy bookmarks; maybe that’s just my over-observant nerd brain talking)

https://lukegajary.org/winston-churchhill/feed/ 0
YOU KNOW YOU’RE IN CHURCH COMMUNICATIONS IF… https://lukegajary.org/you-know-youre-in-church-communications-if/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=you-know-youre-in-church-communications-if https://lukegajary.org/you-know-youre-in-church-communications-if/#respond Wed, 03 Mar 2010 04:32:15 +0000 http://lukeinthebox.wordpress.com/2010/03/02/you-know-youre-in-church-communications-if/ – – –
This one made me laugh.
– – –
by Terrell Sanders of MinistryCOM and the folks of CFCC

1. You’ve ever contemplated breaking into your own church in the dead of night so you can delete the comic sans, Papyrus and Curlz fonts from staff computers.

2. You’ve ever used a cross instead of the letter T or X.

3. You’ve explained DPI more times than you’ve explained your faith.

4. Redesigning the church logo is a weekly project, yet your new design is never used.

5. The words “Don’t worry, this will only take a minute,” send you into fits of rage.

6. Staff members try to make your job easier by asking you to send them last year’s flier and they’ll just ‘update it a bit.’

7. Your suggestions are always brushed aside with, “but that’s how we’ve always done it.”

8. The design they had to have tomorrow is never used. And you’re never surprised.

9. Stolen images, pirated software and breaking copyrights is justified because it’s “God’s Work.”

10. You’ve ever wondered why God gets the credit when things go right, but you get the blame when things go wrong.

11. You’ve ever caught yourself proofreading the Powerpoint slides during worship.

12. You consider yourself bilingual because you’re so adept at translating Christianese.

13. Your only intimate relationship involves late Saturday nights with the church photocopier.

14. You can’t actually attend the events and programs you work to promote because you’re too busy promoting them.

15. Research for sermon series branding means watching tv.

16. You can’t invite your friends to church because you’ve told them to many not-so-flattering stories about your pastor.

17. You and the senior pastor have conflicting definitions of the word “deadline.”

18. It’s perfectly acceptable to use a volunteer’s work over yours, but using a volunteer’s sermon? That’s a good joke.

19. Pastors inevitably become your Art Director, and their previous experience with “art” involved crayons.

20. The Holy Spirit is a legitimate excuse for last-minute changes.

https://lukegajary.org/you-know-youre-in-church-communications-if/feed/ 0
The Back Burner https://lukegajary.org/the-back-burner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-back-burner https://lukegajary.org/the-back-burner/#respond Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:03:00 +0000 http://lukeinthebox.wordpress.com/?p=25

Okay, tonight was the Call: Houston night of prayer.
For those that don’t know about it (shame, shame) the Call is basically a solemn assembly of believers that come together with one purpose: a prayer meeting.

I’d been to other “Calls”, specifically the one on 7/7/07 in Nashville, and that was really really cool. First time I’d been a part of anything like that. There was like 60,000 people there, fasting and praying for 12 hours straight. Intense.

But back to tonight…Man…It was cool. Actually, cool is a bit of an understatement. I LOOVEE long prayer services….Why don’t we have them more often? Tonight was five hours – and it felt like we could have doubled it easily! I mean, we prayed about abortion the entire time! So why don’t we do that regularly, with all the issues burdening the Church today? Man. Okay, I’ll get off that soap box.

I just kinda want to summarize the night – moreso for my sake than anyone elses. There was so much God-stuff packed in to those 5 hours, it was crazy.

I feel as though a passion has been re-awakened in my heart; like it never really went away, but it was kind of turned down a couple notches (an act of my doing, not the Lord’s) from where it was at one point.
I remember. I remember the night it first hit me. I was in my second semester at HSM, and had read a news article on abortion statistics. The year before that, I had written a report in high school as a social issue paper, but it never really hit me.
I remember when it hit me. Suddenly, abortion was no longer about statistics and social justice – it had become a kingdom issue. I had asked the Lord to reveal His heart to me on this issue, and it happened. I hit the floor of my bedroom, sobbing my eyes out, so very broken for what this genocide was doing to our nation. The fire was lit. I lived to see abortion ended. I cried, prayed – every service where I had the opportunity to pray in public, that’s what consumed my prayers. Try though I might to pray for other things, the ending of abortion burned as a purpose in my soul.  It’s always been a huge passion since then, but at times less so than others.Like I take the pot of boiling fire, and move it to a lower burner. The back burner. But…

Tonight, everything turned. Something snapped for real. It was sooo intense – like that Ephesians 6 “Armor of God” thing was being used for real, instead of being just a cute passage to memorize. There was a reality to this war. Ah, there’s so much to put here! I’m so full…

Most times, I like to have my thoughts organized in some way….that’s not really happening tonight. Sorry. I’ll post again later in more detail about all this.

As you read this, please keep this Houston thing in your prayers. 6 story abortion clinic being built. Do I need to say much else? That alone should grip us. I personally do not want to be a part of a state that boasts the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere. Do you? Do you want to live in a nation where the Spirit of God and revival is quenched by constant destroying of innocent lives?

I don’t.

Pray pray pray with us for the “Abortion Super-Center”, that the Lord would pull it down. Simple but powerful.

And pray that your hidden passion, the deep desire, your quiet longing, the thing that keeps you up at night staring at the ceiling – would be awakened in your heart in a new way. I don’t know what God did in me tonight, I have zero answers – but I pray it over you reading this.

That whatever has been simmering would once again begin to boil.

https://lukegajary.org/the-back-burner/feed/ 0
Oh boy….He’s starting a blog. https://lukegajary.org/hello-world/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hello-world https://lukegajary.org/hello-world/#respond Mon, 28 Dec 2009 21:02:01 +0000 https://lukegajary.org/hello-world/ Have you ever felt like vomiting words? Like you have so many opinions and thoughts bouncing around in your head, and you feel like you’re going to explode if you don’t leak them out somehow?

What? No?
Hm. Must just be me then. Anyways….

So…I got a blog started. We’ll see how this goes. Basically, just want to vent in a way besides posting “notes” on facebook.


https://lukegajary.org/hello-world/feed/ 0