Excerpt from 14 Things I Learned from Danny and Diane McDaniel 2- See & Believe The Best In People Are you familiar with a concept called “The Crab Mentality”? Sometimes referred to as “crabs in the bucket”, it is a way of thinking best described by the phrase, “if I can’t have it, neither can you.” Imagine a bucket or barrel full of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape up the walls, but instead…
Excerpt from Tell It Well Chances are, you’ve never heard of Dan Berlin. At one point, he was a normal guy from Fort Collins, Colorado. However, in his mid-30’s, a disease called one-rod retinal dystrophy slowly began to wreck havoc on his eyes. His vision began to slowly erode, eventually leaving him completely blind, out of shape, and depressed. This was a life-altering event, but Dan didn’t let it keep him down. On July 4,…