Unlimited Pages
When you sign up for MyChampionPage, you’re not just getting one landing page – you’re getting a powerful system that will allow you to build as many pages as you want! You can vary styles, themes, and content to create unique landing pages that are styled and arranged just how you need them. The amount of pages you can have is only limited by the amount of pages you need!
Custom Domains Mapping
Chances are, you have secured a unique domain name for yourself that helps put an individual stamp on your business. Not only can you forward your domain from your registrar, we’ve taken it a step further using a built in dynamic feature called Domain Mapping. This gives you the ability to create custom links and pages use your own custom domain as the foundation! Simply open up a support ticket once you have your account and we take care of the rest.
Powerful Theming Engine
Every distributorship is completely unique and different – so why should your landing pages all look the same? You decide whether to tweak every possible option, or just make a few clicks and have a great looking page out of the box. Fonts, colors, layouts, and thousands of possible background combinations ensure that your pages are as dynamic as you are.
Every Available Product
MyChampionPage makes it easier than ever to showcase world class products. With just a few clicks, you control specifics – which products and how many to advertise! We stay current with the product line and you’ll experience all the products being fully in sync with your microsite, even when new products are released.
Microsite Integration
It just works…plain and simple. When you sign up for MyChampionPage, you’ll be prompted to create your profile and fill out a few details- your photo, bio, and distributor ID. When you enter it in one time, it’s linked to your account for good, and every product link, sign up button, or shopping links are linked directly to your microsite without you having to worry about your prospects ordering from the right place!
Email Prospect & Tracking
More than just a great web page builder, MyChampionPage has a powerful emailing tool built right in. You can easily send out any of your pages to prospects, and get active updates via email when you get any interaction to those pages! Following up with recruits has never been simpler, and bringing your business more exposure in the marketplace using email is a snap.
Multiple Page Templates
With our extensive backgrounds in online marketing and web development, we’ve taken proven landing page layouts and built them in to MyChampionPage. You have control of certain positioning, layouts, and type of page you’re creating – and the thinking has already been done for you!
Mobile First
A platform’s ease of use on a mobile device isn’t just a good idea – it’s crucial! MyChampionPage was developed with a “Mobile First” mindset from the very beginning. A mobile first approach doesn’t just concentrate on developing for mobile phones, it is also used to develop better usability of sites, develop better use of Web real estate and better reduce the amount unnecessary elements from pages.
Google Analytics
You need to see how your marketing pages are performing on all digital platforms… so we have Google Analytics baked right in to your Admin Dashboard, ready to help. Whatever your business goals, you’ll find powerful insights into which pages really drive visits and other actions from your users. You’ll be able to see what pages and layouts are most popular, and craft your message to be as effective as possible to your audience.