Have you ever had an idea or project laying dormant in your mind, and something suddenly happens that causes it to “click” and re-ignites the passion behind it?
In spring of 2016, I had a moment like that, while sitting in a church service. A little back story: I had been working on a book for 18 months. I had begun with fierce determination to write and publish my first book before I turned thirty, but the project had slowly lost steam and was currently sitting in a junk drawer in my brain, half-finished.
This particular church service was a little different – it was a “celebration service” where certain church members would come to the front, and share their personal testimonies of victory in their life. I remember sitting in this service as story after story was spoken from the mic on stage – powerful stories of God working various life-transforming miracles. Each story was 3-5 minutes in length, and I began to notice a pattern that bothered me. Most of the people that shared their stories did so in a way that made the testimony seem weak, or unauthentic. These were unbelievable but true stories – financial breakthrough in the midst of desperation, a little girl being healed of an auto-immune disease, a marriage coming back form the brink of divorce…yet many who held the mic lacked confidence and strength when telling their story. 6 out of the 7 people telling stories that day did so without much conviction or confidence in their voice or demeanor. I was stirred – and realized this wasn’t an isolated issue. Many Christians, when telling their stories, do so weakly and without passion. Yet, we carry some of the most powerful tales that can be told!
After that service, and through the course of the summer leading into fall, I began to hone my book down and gave it a purpose – to help inspire people to tell the story well. I put time into it, sought counsel through a writer’s conference and a trusted editor and publisher, and made the book a reality… 6 days before I turned 30!
Here it is: https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Well-Faith-Encourage-Others/dp/0990873870/
Here’s why I wrote it and what it’s all about: I wrote this for you. I sort of did this for me, because I had to get what was in my brain and heart out on to paper, but I mostly did this for you.
I wanted a resource that would help equip people to tell The Story well.
I wanted it to be funny, well written, personal, and empowering (I feel like I at least nailed 3 of those).
I wanted it to have real stories of my own life, interwoven with helpful nuggets and storytelling principles that could transform the way we see and tell our stories.
You know those moments in life that stick with you, those things that someone says—often off the cuff—that you can’t get out of your head? I remember hearing a strong, faithful man of God talking about the walk of the believer. He spoke of how, at the end of your life, only one thing will matter: your personal history with God.
Did you just attend church, or was your life made up of a series of God moments that show an actual relationship with the Lord?
I’ve learned that a huge key to this faith thing is simple… it’s about the story. The story of the Gospel, and the story of how that truth changed your life.
So this is a book of stories. Some of the stories are mine, some are stories that I’ve encountered along the way that I’ve felt were worth sharing. My stories are the ones I know best, so I to spend a lot of pages telling you those.
Then I help show you how to build yours – how to take the moments that God has touched your life, and make them come alive on your lips.
Fill them with passionate invitation, and joyful expression of what a moment with God can do.
Because there’s more to it than just hearing about or reading the stories for yourself.
I believe that Christians have the greatest hope in the entire world – but for the most part, we are terrible at communicating it.
The world has plenty of deep theology books. This isn’t that; just a few of my experiences that I pray you can benefit from. Sometimes, all it takes to compel you to live out an incredible story is hearing the story of someone else who is on the same journey.
Simply put, “Tell It Well” is a collection of personal Christian stories, and a call to action for other Christians to take the story that they have in their hearts or personal experiences with God and share it with the world. This book will will equip & inspire Christians of all backgrounds to have confidence in sharing their experiences and God-stories with others.
Order yours today & begin the journey of better storytelling.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Well-Faith-Encourage-Others/dp/0990873870/